July 22 - 26, 2024
Camp Girls on the Run
Winding Creek Elementary 34 Bali High Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Organized by Eagle Foundation
Registration closed.
About this event
Supervisor: Girls on the Run Mid State PA Girls will spend a week learning all about friendships and emotions, exploring their creativity through a series of workshops, and playing collaborative games that keep them moving. Caring and qualified Girls on the Run coaches lead structured and engaging lessons. During the final celebration, girls will apply what they have learned over the week with a showcase of their original work from the program. Girls will learn critical skills, make new friends, build confidence and unleash their creativity in a safe and inclusive environment. For more information about the camp, or to request scholarship assistance, contact Girls on the Run Mid State PA via email: alyssa.akhtar@gotrmidstatepa.org. Scholarships to Camp GOTR will be handled directly through the GOTR office. Eagle Foundation scholarships DO NOT apply to this camp. A $15 CANCELLATION FEE WILL BE ASSESSED FOR CANCELLATION OF ANY CAMP REGISTRATION
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