Alumni All campers are responsible for bringing their snack & lunch Monday-Thursday and so are our Alumni. However, Mon - Thurs, we will provide water bottles for those who don't bring water. Our Fun-Tastic Friday Finale is a day you don't want to miss!!! Friday, we will provide lunch for all Chess Tutors Campers! Alumni and Students alike need to remember to bring a snack on Friday! Campers will have their choice of Fresh Brother Pizza: Pep, Cheese or Gluten-free GENERAL CAMP SCHEDULE Highlight and copy/paste this link below and place in the window to view Summer Schedule:
~Treasure Chess Games, Treasure Chess Store, Dunk or Splash the Tutors, Earn Multiple Trophies, Fresh Brother Pizza Party, Movie & Popcorn, Camp Chess Tutors Tee Shirt ($20), Water Wars, Puzzle Booklet Challenge, Camp Chess Tutors Photo, Chess Tutors T.V GAME TIME SPECTACULAR
Each activity represents a FUN-ZONE. Depending on the day, we may offer the opportunity to rotate Zones every 20/30 minutes, or we may remain in one FUN-ZONE for the full hour. Whichever the case, we will aim to have a SPECTACULAR TIME! Fun-Zones may Include: ~Bean Bag Toss or Frisbee Competition, Coloring Giant Chess Pieces, Emoji Kick Ball Competition, Jump Rope Competition, Super Colossal Memory Game, Get-Out- Dodge-Dodge-Ball, Water Blast Pass Challenge, Wild-Water Balloon Toss~. All Alumni are subject to receiving a gift card at the close of the Camp each week they volunteer. When registering be sure to submit the school that you attended when you were a part of our program as an elementary school student.